MANGEMENT CONSULTANT TRAINING: This course examines the role of the management consultant and how the consulting industry serves to enhance the effectiveness of the organizations it serves. From an internal perspective, the course examines what it means to act as an external advisor, what skills are necessary to develop a successful consulting business model, and how to professionally engage clients to assist them in successfully reaching their goals through design and implementation of novel approaches and techniques that generate competitive advantage.
Emulating the skills necessary to be a successful consultant, this course will aide in development of problem-identification and solving abilities, communication and influencing skills, and introduce a project-based management mindset. These components lead to success in the consulting marketplace by balancing formal processes, methodologies, and models with the spontaneous creativity of a high-performance team, which manifest in the form of true innovation for clients and firm alike.
By following the consulting lifecycle, course participants will learn the nuances of the consulting business from uncovering issues, to framing problems, analyzing issues, presenting recommendations, and planning for the ever-important “Phase 2”. Students will see the industry from both perspectives, both as future consultants on a career-path to partner and as future industry managers looking to get the most from their use of external resources. The course’s 50:50 mix of lecture and in-depth case analysis will put to practice traditional strategic, process, and functional analyses together with taking on the role of “futurist” for each case organization to address business issues, to implement solutions, and to be at the forefront of knowledge development.
Course Objectives
This is a 50:50, lecture: case-based course that will draw upon real-world applied learnings highlighted in the text and PowerPoint slides each week, shared insights from students, instructor-led facilitation, and active individual/group participation each week to achieve the following measurable learning objectives:
1. Demonstrate understanding of management consulting concepts, as articulated in the weekly slides, text, through a final exam, two quizzes, and group & individual assignments that mimic those activities performed daily by real-world professionals
2. Provide valuable insights to business case discussions in class, on a regular basis, through active class participation and attendance at each class session
3. Exhibit an ability to plan and execute a long-term, group assignment, including development of a proposal, analyses, spreadsheet modeling, report, and group presentation
4. Highlight personal analytical, deduction, presentation and writing skills through a single, individual case interview guide assignment selected by the student from among those in Grades will be a function of student’s success on the activities noted above (and described below in more detail) to ensure a fair and objective assessment of performance.
what you will learn
It is expected that successful participants will have also achieved the following learning milestones by completion of this course:
Applied cross-functional skills to make real-world-type decisions as they set and plan for the execution of engagements for several well-known organizations highlighted in the cases
• Learned a number of new analytical techniques utilized by professionals in the practice of strategy consulting and business advisory services
• Analyzed and evaluated various aspects of several case organizations, their competition, their business issues, their context, and related tactical options
• Developed client issue responses, decide among alternatives, and created implementation plans to ensure project success, client satisfaction, and firm profitability
• Created innovative “visions for the future” of each industry space in which case organizations play, including how the marketplace might evolve, what products/services will be like, what the consultant can do to assist to prepare for that future, and what can they do to “shape their destiny”, drive thought ware development, and gain market eminence
• Presented the results of their analyses and decision-making to their peers in a executive style client summary
• Understand the use of these techniques in real-life settings, as demonstrated by consulting guest speaker(s)
• Enhanced communication skills by clearly and concisely sharing of complex information with their peers
Entrepreneur’s| HR Manager | HR Consultants | Business Development
Executives | Business Analyst | Business Consultants | Management | Consultants | Aspiring Consultants